Get Clear About Your Business Plans
Our clarity calls are delivered over a video call. We like to call them “a coffee over Zoom” where we find all about your business, yous aspirations and goals and then get clear on a blue print to get you there.
A Structured Call
Our clarity calls are delivered over a video call. We like to call them “a coffee over Zoom” where we find all about your business, yous aspirations and goals and then get clear on a blue print to get you there.
About Your Business
We start our call with getting to know your business. what you do, who you do it for, why you do it. What services and products you offer now and what you plan to offer in the future. We get to know about your company structure and how you deliver and market services and products to your customers.
Where Are You Now?
We discuss where you are now with your business. Find out about your the key numbers including your numbers of customers, your capacity for taking on more customers and the opportunities and challenges currently facing your business.
Where Do You Want to Be?
This is all about your future plans. Your goals and aspirations for your business. Your growth plans, your plans for new markets, new products, new services as well as aspects of your business you want to change. We also discuss your personal plans – it is important to understand your wants and reasons why you want to grow/transform your business so it delivers you the lifestyle you want.
Sense Check?
We sense check your plans and look at potential obstacles which may prevent or present a challenge for you to achive your goals and aspirations.
Bridging the Gap
We then talk about ideas and options for your to bridge the gap between where you are with your business and where you want to be and create a blueprint for you to move forward.
Can I Help?
If I can help you to achieve your goals faster than easier than you going it alone then I will explain how and see if we can together on realising your plans.
Making it Happen
Nothing happens until you take action – we finish the call by agreeing the next steps and timetable for you to start working towards your goals.
Book Your Clarity Call Online Now!
Choose your day and time and complete a short information form and you will be sent a link to Zoom call where we meet and spend some time on your business.